I am a writer, a painter, a photographer, and a mom.
Currently working on a historical fiction manuscript about 1940s fashion.
For seven years I taught fashion history, visual merchandising, and branding to upperclassmen at Indiana University. I adopted the flipped classroom approach and designed courses that encouraged students to actively engage in their learning by getting up out of their seats and visiting the many galleries and special collections on campus and in the community. I still have a strong passion for teaching, but these days I take a more nontraditional approach through the Hasty Book List blog and my writing.
My interests include reading (obvi), visiting art and history museums, eating out at new restaurants, and traveling. You can read about my trip to Spain as well as explore some of my literary travel guides.
My blog, Hasty Book List, started as a hashtag on Instagram so I could keep track of the books I've read and refer back to it when my friends asked me for recommendations. As my list developed, I received requests to expand my reviews beyond a few sentences and to add ratings.
The Best of Women’s Fiction podcast, was started by Lainey Cameron. I joined as co-host in the 2022 season.
I am always open to book recommendations, but my list of to-reads is already longer than a lifetime's worth of reading.